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I want to tackle the retirement and protection needs of individuals. This website content is intended for use by Financial Professionals.


I want to tackle the retirement and protection needs of individuals. This website content is intended for use by Financial Professionals.

Saving Center

Your future is now

Save more today for the life you want tomorrow.

Make your future a priority by taking action to save today

Saving facts

Every step you make to keep more cash, dig out of debt, or save for retirement helps you build a stronger, more stable financial future.

Source: 20+ Shocking American savings statistics [2023]; Average personal savings accounts, demographics, and facts,, February 16, 2023.

The average American savings account balance is $4,500

42% have less than $1,000 in savings

49% would not be able to cover a $400 emergency expense today

10% have no savings

What are you saving for?

It’s never too late to put your future on a better financial path. You can accomplish this with small steps – but you need to take action. We can show you how.

Keeping more cash

Dig out of debt

Take action for tomorrow

Save for retirement

Creating a financial plan of action is the first step toward reaching your short-term and long-term goals. If you’re not sure how to get started, here are a few things to consider based on your current age. 

Under 35

  1. If you don’t have a retirement savings plan, start one today. Enroll in your workplace retirement plan.
  2. Once you start saving, increase your contributions every year, if possible.
  3. Create a budget to track your spending.
  4. Start early to take advantage of compound interest.

Ages 50 and up

  1. Ensure you have the right investment mix to meet your goals.
  2. Catch-up contributions allow more tax-deferred savings.
  3. Review your Social Security information.
  4. Create a plan to live on your savings when you stop working.

Take action now. It matters.

What you do today could make a big difference for your tomorrow. Find out where you stand right now and what actions you could take to help improve your financial future. 

Financial Capabilities Assessment Survey

Assess your current financial situation and discover how to take action now.

Factor in Your Future Infographic

See how inflation could impact your savings now and in the future.

National Webinar Series

Attend a live webinar or watch on demand to help you make more confident choices about your financial future.

FutureFIT University

In as little as five minutes, you can gain clarity on complex topics and take action with confidence.

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