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I want to tackle the retirement and protection needs of individuals. This website content is intended for use by Financial Professionals.

Fraud Protection

Corebridge Financial

Insurance fraud is a serious concern. Insurance fraud committed by third parties, or by Corebridge Financial employees, adversely impacts our insureds, the industry, Corebridge Financial’s profitability, business partners, consumers, and the general public. Industry sources estimate that insurance fraud costs the insurance industry billions of dollars every year.

Our customers’ well-being and security are of our utmost concern. Please be advised that Corebridge Financial does not offer insurance coverage for wire transfers or electronic funds transfers. Anyone who receives or has purchased an alleged/supposed Corebridge Financial branded policy purporting to insure your wire transfers or other types of electronic funds transfers should contact local law enforcement to report the matter.

Fraud / Scam Alerts

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has alerted tax professionals and their clients to stay vigilant against IRS phishing emails, free offers, and other common tricks by scammers. Currently, cybercriminals are combining several tactics to create a complex scheme that victimizes both tax professionals and taxpayers. The cybercriminal impersonates a legitimate cloud-based storage provider by sending an email that entices the tax professional to provide their login credentials. With access to the tax professional’s account, the cybercriminal steals client email addresses. The cybercriminal then impersonates the tax professional and sends emails to their clients, attaching a fake IRS insurance form and requesting that the form be completed and returned. The cybercriminal receives replies by fax and/or by an email very similar to the tax professional’s email – using a different email service provider or a slight variation to the tax professional’s address.  

The subject line varies but may be “urgent information” or a similar request. The awkwardly worded text of the email states:  
Dear Life Insurance Policy Owner,  
Kindly fill out the form attached for your Life insurance or Annuity contract details and fax it back to us for processing in order to avoid multiple (sic) tax bill (sic).


What We Do – Protective Measures by Corebridge Financial.

Corebridge Financial protects our customers’ sensitive and personally identifiable information by combining advanced technology, and administrative and security safeguards. For further information please see our privacy notice. 

Corebridge Financial will always endeavor to:

  • Maintain the protection of your confidentiality
  • Defend against any anticipated threats and hazards 
  • Provide protection against unauthorized disclosure, access, or misuse 
  • Adhere to all data privacy laws and regulations applicable to your country

How Corebridge Financial protects your accounts

At Corebridge Financial, we take various measures to protect your account from unauthorized access. Below are details about how our layered security strategy helps keep our customers safe. 

  • Secure Login – Corebridge Financial uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for secured transmissions online.
  • Encryption – When using our secured website, the sensitive information transferred between you and Corebridge Financial is encrypted.
  • Monitoring – Our security team monitors our websites for potential fraud and takes immediate steps to stop it.
  • Firewalls - Network security appliances that help block unauthorized access.
  • Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Protection – This type of protection helps detect and prevent viruses and other malicious software

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

Take these simple steps to protect your valuable personal information.

  1. The more information you share online, the easier it is for someone to get their hands on it. Use caution when using social media platforms. 
  2. Avoid password reuse. Use a password manager that generates and stores strong and unique passwords or use strong and unique passwords for each platform.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication where available. When you enter your password you will receive a one-time password (usually via text) that must be entered before you can complete the login process.
  4. Be vigilant when opening emails from suspicious or unknown senders. Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

More Information 

Insurance fraud can encompass any suspicious, fraudulent, and/or illegal activity committed against Corebridge Financial and related to Corebridge Financial’s business. The most common types of suspicious activity and insurance fraud schemes are claims fraud; underwriting/application fraud; provider fraud; premium fraud; producer/broker fraud and employee fraud.

Toward that end, Corebridge Financial maintains an Anti-Fraud & Investigation Department (AFID) consisting of a significant number of fraud investigators who are geographically dispersed and highly skilled at handling reports of suspicious insurance activity. The AFID investigates referrals, tips, and leads as appropriate, and makes reports of suspected fraud to the authorities, as required, for further government investigation and potential prosecution.  Corebridge Financial takes its responsibility as a partner in this overall fight against insurance fraud very seriously. These anti-fraud efforts are designed to safeguard Corebridge Financial’s corporate assets, preserve the Company’s reputation, improve deterrence of fraud in the industry, and generally benefit our customers and the public. 

Any person who suspects that Insurance Fraud against Corebridge Financial is occurring, has occurred, or will occur, should report the matter to Corebridge Financial Global Investigative Services via e-mail to or call (in the U.S.) at 866-228-2436. to the extent tips and referrals are received, Corebridge Financial takes every possible measure to keep all e-mails and calls confidential. Corebridge Financial appreciates your critical assistance in this fight against insurance fraud.

Other Resources:

Types of Insurance Fraud:

Underwriting Fraud
Occurs where an insurance application or supporting documentation contains a material misrepresentation or omission of facts bearing on the nature or extent of the risk for which coverage is sought. It induces the companies to rely upon the misrepresentations and issue coverage on terms that otherwise would not have been issued had the true facts been known. It is also fraud in underwriting for an impostor to present for examination.

Producer Fraud
Includes any scenario described above, if perpetrated primarily by a broker or agent, with or without the insured’s knowledge. It also includes instances where the producer steals the premium or had its license revoked or suspended but continues to engage in otherwise legitimate but unauthorized practices.

Internal Employee Fraud
Occurs where any alleged misconduct or suspicious, fraudulent, and/or illegal activity is suspected of being committed against Corebridge Financial by an employee who either acts alone or in concert with other third parties. 

General Fraud
Occurs when any policyholder, beneficiary or other claimants materially misrepresents and/or omits information relevant to the insurer's pricing of risk and/or calculation of claims due and payables.