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Portfolio Director®

Effective 6/30/2021, Portfolio Director will be closed for new NQDA and IRA plan applications and sales in all states. Portfolio Director in plan will remain open for applications and sales.

Portfolio Director® Fixed and Variable Annuity (Portfolio Director®) is sold through employer-sponsored plans or in the individual IRA on non-qualified market. Portfolio Director® combines two investment approaches, the guaranteed of fixed options and the potential for greater return from variable options. The product offers more than 60 fixed and variable options for clients to choose from when selecting their investment options. The financial advisor should consult with their VALIC Internal Wholesaler to determine what product series and forms should be used in each plan.

Indexed Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate Changes

Effective January 1, 2011, Portfolio Director, PD Choice and Inside Edge Retirement Program will be changed to indexed guarantee minimum interest rate (GMIR) products pending state approval. The change will be on a "go forward" basis and will not affect any contract issued prior to this effective date. The GMIR will be reviewed and declared quarterly. Once a contract is issued, the GMIR in effect at the time the contract was issued will be effective for the life of the contract. The Interest Guarantee Death Benefit (where available) will also be affected by this change in that the rate used will be the GMIR not to exceed 2%.

Product Resources

Product Information

VC 9700-05 Features and Benefits – Series 1

VC 9700-06 Features and Benefits – Serries 2

VC 9700-50 Features and Benefits - Series 5

VC 9700-06 Features and Benefits - Series 6

VC 16882 Features and Benefits - Series 7

VC 17457 Features and Benefits – Series 9

VC 16881 Features and Benefits - Series 12

VC 9700-46 Features and Benefits - Series 13

VC 12477 – Multi-Year Enhanced Fixed Option Interest Rates

VC 13356 – Investment Options

VC 15265 – Annual fund expenses and Separate Account fees

VC 15265-20 – Annual Fund Expense and Separate Account fees -20bp Reduced Separate Account Fees

VC 15265 -40 – Annual Fund Expense and Separate Account fees -40bp Reduced Separate Account Fees

VC 16418 – Star Performers

VC 31358 – Fixed Fact Sheet

VC 13512 – PD Fixed Rate flier

Prospectuses and Reports

Interest Rates

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