*Based on current federal income tax law. Assumes the use of withdrawals to basis and/or policy loans. If the policy is classified as a modified endowment contract (see IRC section 7702A), withdrawals or loans are subject to regular income tax and an additional 10% tax penalty may apply if taken prior to age 59 ½.
**Cash value life insurance policies are subject to Modified Endowment Contract rules that discourage overfunding based on face amount, insured’s age and other factors. Cash value life insurance also contains additional mortality charges that will increase the expense of this product. Also, distributions in excess of total premiums paid are taxable unless taken as loans (which are subject to interest charges). If the policy is classified as a modified endowment contract (see IRC section 7702A), withdrawals or loans are subject to regular income tax and an additional 10% tax penalty may apply if taken prior to age 59 ½. Distributions will reduce policy values and may reduce benefits. Availability of policy loans and withdrawals depend on multiple factors including but not limited to policy terms and conditions, performance, and fees or expenses. Consult a policy illustration or the contract for more information.