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Insights & Education

How will you pay for unexpected expenses or health care costs?

September 10, 2022 | 2 min read


Chances are, you know life insurance benefits can provide for your family if you are no longer here to support them. But life insurance can do much more to add financial stability in your lifetime.

Think about these health care realities. How will you pay for the costs if these obstacles are thrown your way?

Life insurance can be a powerful option to help you steady the ship if you ever find yourself faced with the unexpected. Consider some policies that offer cash accumulation and living benefits to help you feel confident to tackle anything.


Americans face financial hardship in a year due to medical costs1


is the lifetime amount a healthy couple retiring at 65 can expect to pay for health care costs2

6 in 10

Americans live with at least one chronic illness3

1 Journal of Internal Medicine, Prevalence and Correlates of Medical Financial Hardship in the USA; May 2019.

CNBC. Retiring this year? How much you’ll need for health-care costs. July 2019.

CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. January 2020.

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