The plan is intended to help you put aside money for your retirement. However, City of Foster City has included a plan feature that enables you to access money from the plan tax free without permanently reducing your account.
All loans will be limited to the lesser of: one-half of your vested account balance or $50,000.
All loans must generally be repaid within five years. A longer term may be available if the loan is to be used to purchase your principal residence.
You can have one loan outstanding at a time.
You pay interest back to your account. The interest rate on your loan will be the Prime Rate plus 2%.
A $50.00 processing fee for all new loans and a $30.00 per year loan maintenance fee are charged to your account.
Unpaid loan amounts will be taxed as ordinary income and may incur a 10% federal tax penalty if the employee is under age 59½.
Other requirements and limits must be met prior to borrowing money from your account. For additional information regarding loans, please see your financial professional. Refer to the Summary Plan Description for more details about this participant loan feature.