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DROP Decision Guide

Simplify your DROP decisions with our guide.

The decision to enter the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) can seem complicated but it does not have to be. Wherever you are in this decision-making process, Corebridge is ready to help. We have prepared a guide to answer common questions and guide you through the entire process.

If you’re a DROP participant, you’ll need to decide what to do with your DROP money when you end your employment. One tax-advantaged solution: roll your DROP distribution into a tax-qualified plan. That way, your contributions and any potential interest and earnings keep growing, tax-deferred, until you start using the money.

You’ll need to select a tax-qualified plan provider, and our DROP Decision Guide can help you decide which provider and options are best for you. The guide also lists questions you should ask potential plan providers.

We are here to help.

You can meet with a financial professional in-person or virtually – by phone, FaceTime or Microsoft Teams. He or she can also offer you a complimentary DROP Decision Guide.

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