How to enroll
Enrolling in your 403(b) or 457(b) retirement plan is easy!
If you would like to enroll in your Anne Arundel County Public Schools Supplemental Retirement Plan, you can enroll one of three ways: online, by phone or with your financial professional.
To enroll online:
Depending on your pay cycle, click on the appropriate link below to enroll online and follow the prompts.
For 26 pay periods
Anne Arundel County Public Schools 403(b) Plan (pretax and/or Roth)
Anne Arundel County Public Schools 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (pretax and/or Roth)
For 22 pay periods
Anne Arundel County Public Schools 403(b) Plan (pretax and/or Roth)
Anne Arundel County Public Schools 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (pretax and/or Roth)
To enroll by phone:
Call 1.888.569.7055 and an Enrollment Specialist will assist you.
To enroll with a financial professional:
Contact your financial professionals for enrollment assistance. They are here to help enroll you in the plans and answer any questions you may have about your retirement options.
A 1160808 (5/2023)