At Corebridge, we are committed to preventing and protecting your account by leveraging strong firewalls, encryption, securing email, as well as preemptive round the clock surveillance. But it takes a commitment from you as the first line of defense to help protect your account from fraud and cyber attempts.
Here are some tips and key features you can use to better safeguard your account:
Our account protection responsibility
Account protection is a partnership. You have a role to play in the protection of your accounts by taking appropriate actions and using safe practices to defend against cyber and fraud attempts. In the event assets are taken from an account, through no fault of your own, we will replace the full value to make your accounts whole. Not taking advantage of these safety features may affect the replacement of assets; see account protection responsibility terms and conditions for details.
Preventing and protecting your retirement account from fraud and cyber attempts
- To learn more about our security features and our account protection responsibility, please visit: our Security Center website.
- To streamline management of your account and simplify access to important information, register your account online today.