Unit/Share Price
Concerning the "as of" dates listed on this page:
"Fixed funds valued as of" date:
The value indicated for any fixed fund(s) in your account(s) is a "snapshot" of the value as of the close of business on the given date, with interest accruing up to that point. Normally, fixed-fund values are updated Monday through Saturday by 8:00 AM CT.
"Variable funds valued as of" date:
The value indicated for any variable fund(s) in your account(s) is a "snapshot" of the value (based on equity investments) of your account(s) as of the close of business on the given date. Normally, variable fund values are updated by 8:30 PM CT for that day's New York Stock Exchange close.
"Transactions last posted on" date:
The last date financial transactions were posted to your account. Your transaction(s) are recorded in Corebridge Retirement Services's recordkeeping system as of the date noted.
Unit/Share Values screen provides unit value information for all funds available to you. Unit Values can be obtained for a specific range of dates (1, 3, 6, or 12 months) and viewed as a graph or table by clicking on the chart icon for the specific fund desired.
“My Funds” tab displays the ticker symbol and fund name of funds that you are currently invested in. Top of the Document
“All Funds” tab displays the ticker symbol and fund name for all funds offered by the plan/product.
The price of the fund will be displayed as of the close of business for the past two days. Then the price as of the last day of the preceding four quarters will be displayed. A graph icon is displayed which, when clicked, will open a new window in your browser which will provide:
- Unit/Share price details
- Summary by fund number, ticker, name and unit value
- A line graph by date
- A table which will display the unit value daily by 1, 3, 6 and 12 months.